
Get Into the Christmas Spirit wit WoozWorld Glamours!

Monday 15 December 2014

Winter Gift Cards now Available!

Hey Glamours, happy Monday! (What even, I doubt no one likes Monday!)

So on WoozWorld, MaxWooz has posted that the Woozworld gift cards are now available for the holidays! When you redeem a gift card, you will receive one of the following heads that are; A snowman, Santa, or an Elf! You will also receive 1 month VIP, and 10,000 wooz. I purchased 2 gift cards, and I got an Elf, and Santa! Now all I need it the snowman. What about you guys? Comment below :)

Have a great day lovelies!!

Till next time,

Saturday 13 December 2014

Woozen Quest - Ice Skates!

Hey Glamours, happy Saturday!

Meanwhile on Woozworld, I noticed something, and that was I went to the Woozen Quests, and saw people wearing ice skates, so I am like, "Where do you get those?!" till I realized everyone gets them if you're on the ice in Woozen Quests! Here is how you get them!

Step 1: Go to Woozen Quests. (Be aware that there will be a big queue line!)

Step 2: Once you are out of queue, step onto the ice.

Step 3:
Then there you go! You have skates!
If you're a boy,  you get hockey skates. And if you're a girl, you get figure skates.

PLEASE NOTE: You do not get to keep the skates, they only work on ice in WoozWorld unitz. And, whatever color your shoe is, that is going to be the color of your skates, (you can change the color of your skates by changing your shoes.)

Hope this helped! :D Happy Saturday! Photo credits to http://woozworldburst.blogspot.ca/

Till next time,

Friday 12 December 2014

Christmas Countdown!

Hey Again Glamours!

So, I thought I would update my blog a little so I did with winter themes! Thank you all for the kind emails of my blog, today, I got 10 emails! Shoutout to those wonderful people! :D

So I have also added a tab for Christmas Countdown, check it out if you want to see how many more days till christmas!

Have a lovely day!

Till next time,

Simran Prakash

Oh my gosh, it's been a while!

Hey Glamours!!

Its been such a while since I've blogged! I missed you all so much. :* I've been so busy with my school works, and life, so since I am not busy for a bit (finally!), I decided I would blog. :)

I would also like to say..


Alright, I may have gone crazy up there but its true! :)


What are you doing for Christmas? :) Comment below :D

See you all later! :)


Saturday 6 September 2014

Congratulations to our First WOTW! (Woozen of the Week!)

Hey Glamours! Sorry I am not as active as I usually am, since school has started I am going to try my best to focus more on that to get good grades, and succeed into my goals.

So thank you everyone who entered for the WOTW! There were many entries, so I did a spinner, and our winner was...


I will be making a little picture area for WOTW.

Have a great weekend!

Till next time,

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Thank you for 700+ Views!!

Hey Glamours!!

This is a short post, since I have to go to bed soon. :)

I would like to thank you guys so much for my blog hitting 700+ views! Within 2 weeks! I got pretty shocked. Thank you to everyone who likes this blog and sends me nice comments. I really appreciate it! I will be adding more content on this to make you guys happier. :)

Thanks again! And goodnight/goodmorning to all! :)

Till next time!

New WNS Outfits!

Hey Glamours! Happy Tuesday! Or Wednesday or whatever day it is in your country. 

So MyaWooz added some new outfits into the Shop today, and for WNS of course! This time, it is the performing outfits, same thing like the last WNS outfit's but different furniture, unitz, and clothing. I don't think there will be another unitz design contest for this, but if there is, then good luck if you enter!  

I think the outfits look really cute! And they look really similar to the real popstar! I really like Myana Grande's look It actually looks like Ariana Grande! And Jayrell Williams, oh that hat. Just like Pharrell Williams in his music video; "Happy". What do you guys think? 

Remember to sign up for WOTW! (Woozen of the Week) inspired by WoozWorld Burst! I will be choosing randomly, and you picture of your woozen will be on our blog for a week! The sign up is on the left hand side, and says WOTW. Good luck, and thank you for entering!

Till next time!