Hey guys! I updated and changed this blog a little, so hope you enjoy it! :) And yes, if you must ask, I will be adding more. xD So I came back from camp, it was awesome! Sadly we had to leave. Totally worth it! What did you do for the long weekend? :3

So mainly many people have been complaining about
WoozGuidez not doing their job, by helping Woozens in tough situations, inappropriate behaviour on Woozworld..etc. Did they just apply to get fame and be popular? Earlier yesterday at Jenny's event, "
Find the Foodie" their were a couple a WoozGuidez there, such as
CaceyMama and PoliceOfficerSam. Being all goofy, and messing around but hey, aren't WoozGuidez aloud to have fun too? It doesn't say in the "Rule book of WoozGuidez". But I also think that they should let woozens have a chance in playng an event, or winning something. For example, the WoozGuide Rebecca-Angel won Star of the Week.
Many people on her walls kept complaining about how it's not fair that a WoozGuide won. I actually think that the WoozGuidez are actually having too much fun, and not really doing what they're supposed to all the time!

And Coolgirlm to be honest on my opinions is he WORST WoozGuidez. He has been a WoozGuidez so long, like WoozWorld! DON'T MAKE HIM A WOOZGUIDE ANYMORE. NOW HE'S BEEN IT FOR OVER 3 MONTHS. He barely helps woozens, he only tries to be cool. Kinda makes me mad. xD
I acutally like messaged CaceyMama a problem, she just said, "Just ignore it nothing will happen." like what the heck. How can I it's all over my head!
Sorry if you think I'm giving hate, but it's like my side of the truth and my opinions. :)
Till next time!
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