
Get Into the Christmas Spirit wit WoozWorld Glamours!

Friday 25 July 2014

Woozworld Keeps Upgrading?! Why?

WoozWorld keeps making fellow woozens angry! Why's that? Because they keep loosing connection to what they were doing, is it another update? I believed it upgraded about 2 times in a week! Maybe to ban the hackers? Or computer bugs? Who knows. But many people are getting upset that they keep loosing connection to their game, event or selling items! Will WoozWorld shut down for days, week, months! Like they did about 14 months ago? Further information coming soon!

I might be as active as I am right now, because I am going camping with my family, and I really dobt that there will be WiFi. Darn! =.= Anyways, I will miss you all! Plus school is about to start. Goodbye for now!



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